Category Archives: Skincare

Winners of the GIVEAWAY!

Beauty and Aikido ©
Hoodie from Coco Fashion
Hi Guys! I was so happy to announce the winners of the giveaway this weekend. 
The Beauty Prize went to Katherine Donovan
The Aikido Prize went to Nicole Lancaster

I already emailed the ladies and got back really quick replys. Your prizes will be mailed really first thing next week. The Beauty Prize will be mailed by me personally to Katherine Donovan as I was sponsoring that part of the giveaway. The Aikido Prize will be mailed by Anne Marie from Aiki Trend.
Katherine, Nicole, looking forward to getting a feedback from you on how you liked the prizes when you get them, maybe even pictures of you wearing them. Would be awesome!
I also want to share with the rest of you  guys that I am actively looking for sponsors for future giveaways, so you most probably won’t have to wait another whole year for the blog anniversary to win something!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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Filed under aikido, beauty, giveaway, lucky, pendant, silver, Skincare, winners

Organic Versus Natural Skin Care

-Guest Post by Amber Evans, Charleston Naturally

We often get asked what the difference is between organic and natural skin care products. These two terms are often used interchangeably, but they are fundamentally different. Brands are regulated on which label they can use according to their ingredients, processes and even packaging. The FDA regulates this because it’s important to inform consumers about which products they choose; essentially, your health and the world’s future can be in your hands.
Natural products just mean that their ingredients use products that are found in nature. This does not account for the way these companies process their ingredients. Your general rule of thumb can be to look at the ingredient list; if there are long words that you can’t pronounce, don’t buy it.
Organic skin care products are regulated by three tiers. There is 100% organic, which means everything from the plant to the extraction to the process is chemical-free. There is “organic,” which means that up to 95% of the product is organic. The last is “made with organic ingredients,” which means that about 70% of the product is organic. This will help you better navigate the tricky beauty labels trying to catch your attention.
Many beauty companies use harsh dyes and chemicals with dioxins and parabens to achieve what they perceive the consumer wants. However, Charleston Naturally knows that the consumer really wants clear, youthful skin without killing all of the earth’s natural resources. That’s why they carry lines like Pevonia, ilike, Dr. Hauschka and Suki. These brands are all environmentally conscious and have the consumer’s health at heart, so they utilize botanical extracts to cleanse and moisturize. They are gentler on your skin, but just as effective for clearing blemishes or diminishing the look of fine lines.

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Filed under beauty, Charleston Naturally, natural, organic, products, Skincare

>Five Reasons Why you Should Visit a Cosmetician…Right Now



Hi Everyone! I am writing now a post in which I would like to highlight the importance of visiting a cosmetician. 

1. Prevention

In fact you should first go to a cosmetician when you are around 14, 15 years old. That is when girlst start to break out and start having issues with their skin. At this stage, you are making a preventive move. The cosmetician will tell you what type of skin you have. She will also tell you what creams you should use as a start and how to choose later when you will buy your own creams.While a teen, your skin is still young and regenerating without having to be helped too much. However it is your responsibility to keep it clean.

2. Thorough Cleaning

You will never be able to clean your skin from impurities so well as a specialist can do it for you. She will use professional products and tools and give you the best and most suitable treatment. I am not saying that it is not painful but the results are really worth the suffering.

3. Find out more about your skin

The face you have is the one with which you will get old, so you should be interested in finding out more about it. A cosmetician will be able to answer all your questions and concerns while working on your skin. She will reveal you your imperfections and your positive traits. She can also recommend you what vitamins to take, that is how well certain lacks of vitamins can show on your skin. Remember you can help your skin be more beautiful from the outside but from the inside as well!

4. Seasonal Skincare

I must confess I was planning for long to visit the cosmetician since the weather got warmer. It became an urgency now as my summer holiday is approaching. One thing you don’t want to do is to go and sunbathe with a skin filled with impurities. You will tan, but the impurities will also burn into your skin. So when summer comes, a skin cleaning session is a must. My cosmetician also advised me to get back to her as soon as I am back from holiday for a hydrating session. She is such a sweetie.

5. You are basically getting a new face

If you haven’t had your skin cleared yet by a professional you cannot even imagine how great difference it makes. You sure look dreadful and your face is red in the few couple of hours after the session, but later on you will just look in the mirror astonished of the result. Your skin will not only be cleaner but brighter also. You will be completely satisfied by the new face that was there all the time but hiding and waiting to be brought to light. It is that simple! An that will give you the certitude that all the suffering was worth doing.

^^y I hope this article helped you! Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask. Also feel free to share experiences with your visits to a cosmetician in the comments. ^^y


Filed under beauty, clean, cosmetician, Skincare, treatment


>When deciding about what beauty products to use, like many of you I also browse the net. I check out forums and what I like to do most of all is watch you tube videos where people talk about their personal preferences. One of my favorite youtubers is fuzkitty. She is always really natural and cute. Just as myself, not only is she interested in having a nice makeup but also in having a healthy and glowing skin.

It was under her influence that I decided I should try some Kiehl’s products. As these products are not available in Hungary, I had to search on the web and I discovered a great site which has free shipping, called
There I chose from the large Kiehl’s range the Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic

What attracted my attention at this product that it refines the pores and it also makes the skin appear more matte. As I am 24 my attention is now focused on products that clean my skin and make it look as healthy and clean as it can be. Another important step after cleaning and tonifiying is moisturising. So as a next Kiehl’s skincare step I chose the Ultra Facial Moisturezer

My skin type is mixed and it is also rather sensitive. From time to time I visit a cosmetician. I think having your skin cleaned by a professional is really important. Cosmeticians can tell you what exact skin type you have and also how to take care of your skin. My cosmetician told me last time that some redness I observe on my skin is due to the fact that the skin is really thin and the thin veins are to be seen. She suggested that I keep my skin well moisturized and also that I wash my face only with warm water. Too cold or too hot water can cause the veins to appear even more. It is also well known that you need to take care of your skin not only from the exterior but also with what you eat. Some time ago as my cosmetician was applying a home made fruit masque on my skin she said I should vitaminize my skin more. I then asked her what masques I should buy. She just laughed and added: Well I meant by that, that you should eat more vitamins! I was not aware of that before, but after I heard and read a lot about how healthy eating can have a good effect on your skin. So I try to eating as healthy as possible, but in the mean time there are also some dietary supplements one can take. At present as the flue season is approaching I take some products of the Forever Living Product range: Forever Garcinia Plus, Absorbent-C and Forever Bee Propolis.
As this was my first order from I got a free Brush on Gloss from IsaDORA in 03 Candy the color that I myself chose when completing the order ^.^y

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Filed under Forever Living, Kiehl's, Skincare, StrawberryNET