Category Archives: nail

Aikidoka Stylist Strikes Back!

1st kyu aikidoka
Remember when I posted about how I had the hair of some girls done while we were on training camp? If not head to this article. Now I got a request from one of the sweetest sempais to help her prepare for a family dinner. I was more then happy to do so. I did her nails, hair and makeup in turbo speed, but I think it turned out really good. The makeup is a really natural daytime look. As I had to come up with something for her really quick I just did a look that I do on myself really often. Light foundation from La Roche-Posay. Eyebrows defined by NYX eyebrow powder. Brown smudged eyeliner with some eye-shadow on it to soak up the oiliness of the eyeliner pencil and brightening up the inner corner by a peachy shimmery color from my Dior Palette. Some mascara, just a tiny bit of blush (I used the one presented in this post) and Catrice lip tint.
I painted the nails in two tones, a deep red and a golden one. I am getting better in doing accurate work and not fooling around and being sloppy on the edges. I think this combo looks really awesome on her nails. I feel like I need to open up a small beauty shop RIGHT NOW! I love doing this so much.

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Filed under aikido, Aikidoka, beauty, lady, look, makeup, nail, nail polish

Stamping Nail Art- Konad m77

I just wanted to share with you some models I made on my nails

I was using the Konad m77
It is a great set. I combined dark blue nail polish with white 
I got the white polish from e-Bay. It is supposed to be special thicker nail polish for making patterns, but I don’t really think it is special at all. Anyway, it was a good way for the seller to market it ^.^ 

I hope it inspired you. I can really relax by doing these patterns on my nails. And I find them really cute and unique, too.

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Filed under cute, Konad, manhattan, nail, Nail art, nail polish, stamping

>O.P.I. Half Moon Nails Tutorial


This is a look inspired by the German JOY magazine and a spring day where I felt like buying this crazy colored nailpolish. Half moon nails are again fashionable and are not that hard to create. In case you would like an interesting look, try this one out. You can do the reverse french manicure with free hands or with french manicure stripes.

Here is the result:

If you liked my video, comment, rate and subscribe to my channel.

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Filed under green, half moon nails, JOY, nail, O.P.I., reverse french manicure


>Short, bright colored nails or natural French manicure? Whichever the choice, most girls have a considerable number of nail polishes. This sometimes ends up being a veritable collection. Come on…I know you also have some dried out nail polishes in one of your drawers. But it is OK…I myself hardly remember finishing any other nail polish then clear coats. At the moment I really like Miss Sporty (what else should be expected from an aikidoka???) nail polishes because of the bright happy colors and the quick drying. Take a look at my little set of nail polishes I keep in a nice wooden bowl:

Haha, just now while editing I observe I forgot an Aloe Lips there. The truth is I just use this bowl to keep random lipsticks and hairbands also >.<

So now let me present the present status of my nails:

O_o yaaaaaaaaaaaakkkk
But the nail polish itself it a really pretty color. The design of the bottle is also really edgy. And I have quite some clothes with dark blue patterns that harmonize with this nail polish:

I totally hate it when the nail polish is kind of chopped, so the moment I finish this post I will do my nails again. I might get back with the update status of my nails on the bottom of the post later.

At school or college you can allow yourself to have funny looking nails, but once you start working it is a no go. It would look really unprofessional if I would hand some papers to the Auditor that is a present in our house with such nails. But somehow, even if I top coat them, my nails do not resist the constant tipping from the office. There are of course a number of more long lasting manicure styles but I somehow prefer the natural nails with nail polish. It is more time consuming, but also more fun.

These days I discovered a nail cure can help you drop bad habits. I also admit that I sometimes find myself biting my nails. Baaaaaaad habit! This is a biter tasting and completely efficient rescue coat. Once you tasted how bitter it is, you will keep your nails away from your mouth the whole day. It can be used both as top and as base coat, or as both. If you want to take advantage of the curing effects, you need to use it as a top coat:

Color your nails into fun colors and let me know your favorite brands! ^.^y

Update with my present nails:

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Filed under blue, cure, edgy, habits, manhattan, miss sporty, nail, natural