Category Archives: exam

Aikido on Saturday

Those of you who follow me on Tumblr. know that I usually post my training notes there. But this time as the event has a certain importance, I dedicate a whole post to it. We had a training camp in a town near by and it was awesome. Students from several different associations gathered and trained as one big family. It was great to see all the hakama students doing their flowy moves and swirling around in shiko dashi. The Senseis leading the demonstrations present there were the following: Elsner László Sensei (6. dan), Várszegi Rudolf Sensei (6.dan), Shidoin Pivony Attila Sensei (5.dan). 
We did all the five teachings in suwari waza, then some knife techniques and and the end our Sensei was demonstrating a few more intricate techniques. The camp had as a purpose the preparation for the dan exams. At the end we all gathered in a big circle, held each other’s hands and did some breathing exercises. It was all very exciting. As for how it was for me personally, sometimes I got confused with the techniques, but then I asked for help. Before the whole seminar started I felt butterflies in my stomach, a feeling of uncertainty and eager to try out something new, it was all really new and intriguing to me. Each time the technique changed, we changed partners, too. This way we had the chance to blend with a lot people who were around and practicing. Somehow I felt connected to them through the fact that we all dedicate a big part of our life to this martial art. I hope this was the beginning of a series yet to come and the path towards a unified aikido in Hungary.

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Filed under aikido, dan, demonstration, Elsner, exam, Hungary, Pivony, preparation, seminar, Sensei, Varszegi

4th Kyu Preparation – Salami Slice Approach IV

I cannot estimate any more when I will be taking this exam unfortunately. It has happened that I did not attend the winter training camp from various reasons. Then I just received a mail that in the next camp, only those can take an exam who have participated on the winter camp, so there go my hopes out the window. But the salami slice approach continues.
The topic of this post will be kote gaeshi. For the 4th kyu exam you have to execute it from aihanmi katatedori, katatedori, shomenuchi and yokomenuchi. However I am pretty sure that our Sensei will be asking for kotegaeshis executed from a number of other attacks, too. What we did this week we paired up in groups of three and ukes could attack the way they wanted. Tori had to execute techniques, as always it had to be nage waza and not osae waza, that is you had to perform a throw and not a pin. I did not do well with the shoulder and elbow grabs, so I need to practice that. Not too many videos found on elbow and shoulder grabs, so I will just have to stick with my training and pay more attention.
 Let’s see how Monsieur Tissier does it from aihanmi katatedori.
And some footage from one of our summer camps:
Thanks for reading this post and stay tuned for some more. The winter holidays are approaching which sort of slowed down my posting pace, but there will be some more posts. I will not be doing any Christmas giveaway, but stay tuned for the 2 year anniversary of my blog in January. I am already planning something for you guys!!! To make sure you will be notified, become a follower of this blog by joining the GFC community on the left hand side. 
Don’t forget to follow me for training notes on Tumblr. I post training notes at least twice a week!

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Filed under 4th kyu, aikido, blogging, exam, katate dori, kote gaeshi, martial arts, post, preparation, salami, techniques

4th Kyu Preparation – Salami Slice Approach II

As Irimi Nage is a topic in itself, and as I have realized that techniques can be executed in so many ways, I decided to dedicate a whole post to irimi nage in some variations. I am also feeling my mind let go of one single universally correct pattern and opening up to letting my body learn the movements…finally. Will practice this in the dojo this week.
irimi nage / omote – ura

Love the way this Sensei is explaining

Last but not least some footage from out dojo’s 2011 summer camp evening rehearsals before the kyu exam

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Filed under 4th kyu, approach, exam, iriminage, preparation, salami