Category Archives: aikido

Aikidoka Stylist Strikes Back!

1st kyu aikidoka
Remember when I posted about how I had the hair of some girls done while we were on training camp? If not head to this article. Now I got a request from one of the sweetest sempais to help her prepare for a family dinner. I was more then happy to do so. I did her nails, hair and makeup in turbo speed, but I think it turned out really good. The makeup is a really natural daytime look. As I had to come up with something for her really quick I just did a look that I do on myself really often. Light foundation from La Roche-Posay. Eyebrows defined by NYX eyebrow powder. Brown smudged eyeliner with some eye-shadow on it to soak up the oiliness of the eyeliner pencil and brightening up the inner corner by a peachy shimmery color from my Dior Palette. Some mascara, just a tiny bit of blush (I used the one presented in this post) and Catrice lip tint.
I painted the nails in two tones, a deep red and a golden one. I am getting better in doing accurate work and not fooling around and being sloppy on the edges. I think this combo looks really awesome on her nails. I feel like I need to open up a small beauty shop RIGHT NOW! I love doing this so much.

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Filed under aikido, Aikidoka, beauty, lady, look, makeup, nail, nail polish

Presenting Aikido Dojos I

Beauty and Aikido ©

Hi Everyone!

I made a call to all people out there who would like to share stories about their dojos and about where and with what people they train. I have received already mails from to different dojos.
The fist is in Germany and it is called Aikido in Oberhausen. You can visit their website and their Facebook page to find out more about them:
Another dojo that contacted me is from the USA, more exactly New Orleans and they also have this amazing video about their dojo. I find it really inspiring for any aikido practitioner.

Aikido of New Orleans -The martial art of power and movement from Aikido of New Orleans on Vimeo.

My invitation still stays open. If you are an aikido practitioner, have a story to share or want to tell us about your dojo, feel free to contact me! Any material is very much welcome. Looking forward to getting to know you!

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Filed under aikido, dojo, New Orleans, Oberhause, presenting

Aikido Communication Tip

– Guest post by Greet De Baets

Aikido Communication Tip 1 – What do you need in a conflict?

Love. Show love for humanity, for our universe: you will find the power to deal with conflicts. This love gives you a broader view and, hence, energy and confidence.

Love is an important value, even in aikido (a Japanese martial art). Ueshiba Morihei, the grandmaster of aikido, called aikido the martial art of love and not the martial art of violence. Love is the basis for peace and harmony. Only when the aikidoka’s attitude is peaceful and nonviolent, the aikidoka can conquer and bring harmony to the situation.

This aikido wisdom is universal. Feel free to implement it in any conflict at the office, on the floor, at home, …

Aikido Communication Tip 2 – Are you sometimes surprised about what is important in other cultures?

Are you surprised about what is important to the English, the Americans, the Dutch, the Germans, the French, … Does it match with your ideas? Or not? 

Accept what is important to others. Show them that you take them seriously. And tell them respectfully that you see things differently. 

Consider: to accept ≠ to agree

Imagine the opposite: people from another culture take you seriously when something is obvious to you. They accept you, your ideas and your behaviour, even if they do not agree with you. A lovely perspective, isn’t it?

The tatami link for the aikidoka: we take everything our uke does seriously. We accept every attack ≠ we do not agree with it.

If you liked these thoughts, please also visit Greet’s website:  Greettraining

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Filed under accept, aikido, communication, consider, love, O'Sensei

Kuribayashi Shihan Aikido Seminar March 2013

This was the first time that I participated at a big seminar with so many aikidoka attending. I loved the silence of the mokuso and the swift sound of the hakamas as we were doing the stretching and preparing for the techniques. There was a variety of styles and approaches that I could see. I had to adapt to each new person, take the fall, execute the technique, take the fall again, switch, listen, concentrate, understand… or at least try to better understand. It energized me a lot. Gave me new perspectives and a lot of motivation, too. I do want to get better. When you train with people who have been doing it for 10 or 15 years, you feel small, but you also feel motivated because you see that people can hang on and follow this path. I find that great. I also had the opportunity to be thrown once by Kuribayashi Sensei. He was concentrating for a few seconds when I took hold of him, I think he even closed his eyes, and then I flew in the air. There were many associations present from whole Hungary and also from abroad. However, the associations in Hungary need to be more united and there is still a lot of work to be done. I am hoping for a brighter future!

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Filed under aikido, Budapest, Hungary, Kuribayashi Sensei, march, seminar

Winners of the GIVEAWAY!

Beauty and Aikido ©
Hoodie from Coco Fashion
Hi Guys! I was so happy to announce the winners of the giveaway this weekend. 
The Beauty Prize went to Katherine Donovan
The Aikido Prize went to Nicole Lancaster

I already emailed the ladies and got back really quick replys. Your prizes will be mailed really first thing next week. The Beauty Prize will be mailed by me personally to Katherine Donovan as I was sponsoring that part of the giveaway. The Aikido Prize will be mailed by Anne Marie from Aiki Trend.
Katherine, Nicole, looking forward to getting a feedback from you on how you liked the prizes when you get them, maybe even pictures of you wearing them. Would be awesome!
I also want to share with the rest of you  guys that I am actively looking for sponsors for future giveaways, so you most probably won’t have to wait another whole year for the blog anniversary to win something!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

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Filed under aikido, beauty, giveaway, lucky, pendant, silver, Skincare, winners

Aikido on Saturday

Those of you who follow me on Tumblr. know that I usually post my training notes there. But this time as the event has a certain importance, I dedicate a whole post to it. We had a training camp in a town near by and it was awesome. Students from several different associations gathered and trained as one big family. It was great to see all the hakama students doing their flowy moves and swirling around in shiko dashi. The Senseis leading the demonstrations present there were the following: Elsner László Sensei (6. dan), Várszegi Rudolf Sensei (6.dan), Shidoin Pivony Attila Sensei (5.dan). 
We did all the five teachings in suwari waza, then some knife techniques and and the end our Sensei was demonstrating a few more intricate techniques. The camp had as a purpose the preparation for the dan exams. At the end we all gathered in a big circle, held each other’s hands and did some breathing exercises. It was all very exciting. As for how it was for me personally, sometimes I got confused with the techniques, but then I asked for help. Before the whole seminar started I felt butterflies in my stomach, a feeling of uncertainty and eager to try out something new, it was all really new and intriguing to me. Each time the technique changed, we changed partners, too. This way we had the chance to blend with a lot people who were around and practicing. Somehow I felt connected to them through the fact that we all dedicate a big part of our life to this martial art. I hope this was the beginning of a series yet to come and the path towards a unified aikido in Hungary.

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Filed under aikido, dan, demonstration, Elsner, exam, Hungary, Pivony, preparation, seminar, Sensei, Varszegi

Giveaway – Video Presenting the Items you can WIN!

I am presenting you in this video all the stuff you can win on the GIVEAWAY! Hope you will join and good luck!

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Filed under aikido, beauty, game, giveaway, package, prize, video, win

GIVEAWAY! Two Years of Beauty and Aikido


Another year of Beauty and Aikido has passed and just as last year, I want to celebrate this great event with a GIVEAWAY. I have prepared an awesome Beauty Prize and an awesome Aikido Prize.

I made it again really easy for you to join, you just have to perform the steps displayed in the Rafflecopter below. And here are some pictures of what you are getting. You can view the items in a youtube video that I have posted on my channel by clicking here.
The Beauty Prize:

  • Hair Dehumidifier Spray (review coming soon about it)
  • Yves Rocher Pore Cleaning Masque
  • Yves Rocher Night Cream
  • Several organic natural masques
  • 2 necklaces
  • 1 Catrice Lip Tint (tutorial coming up how to do cute doll looks with it)
  • 1 Floral Perfume
  • 1 Apple iPhone 4 Bunny Rabbit case
The Aikido Prize:

  • This beautiful silver Aikido pendant offered by the courtesy of Aiki Trend
Aiki Trend Silver Pendant
Please make sure to perform all FOUR mandatory steps in order to qualify as a winner! THANKS! ❤

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As seen on CashNet Sweepstakes


Filed under 925 silver, aikido, beauty, cream, giveaway, hair, masque, necklace, pendant, skin care

Two Years of Beauty and Aikido! GIVEAWAY coming SOON!


As I have already announced, I am having a giveaway for you guys this year, too. I would like to thank katy doll for making it possible to use this cute little picture for my second anniversary celebration.
In the giveaway, there will be again an Aikido prize and a Beauty related prize. The Aikido prize will be sponsored by the lovely Anne Marie from Aikitrend. You can read more about Aikitrend here. If you are a reader of my blog then you are already familiar with Aikitrend because we cooperate pretty often. The Beauty package will be sponsored by me and will contain a lot of nice goodies. Hope you are happy and will be celebrating along with me! Stay tuned for the details!

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Filed under aikido, anniversary, beauty, celebration, giveaway, january, join, prize, two, years


-A guest post by Anne Marie from AIKI TREND 
Aiki Trend was launched in 2010 by Aikido lovers who admire the beauty of the art of Aikido. Aiki Trend wants to transmit this beauty in an innovative but classy way, offering our fellow Aikidoka an elegant way to express their passion for this art. Aiki Trends’ objective is to transmit beauty within the refinement of its pieces. Our pieces are generally inspired by the movements of circularity which are a fundamental part of this fascinating art. Aiki Trend’s jewelry is inspired in the basic concepts of Aikido: an art that promotes peace, love and harmony. It is made with top of the quality Peruvian silver in 925/950 purity. Aiki Trend has just launched its new collection, with many new products lined up for you this coming year 2013. Please come and visit our page @ this holiday season!

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Filed under aikido, beauty, jewels, silver, trend, Xmas